Money Conversion Calculator: Exchange Rate Comparison

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The OrbitRemit money conversion calculator is a tool we have developed to make it quick and easy to perform an exchange rate comparison. Simply click on the arrow next to the word ‘Calculator’ in the top right hand corner of this page and the calculator will drop down. Choose your currency of origin and destination, pop in your amount and we will, immediately, show you exactly how much will be received at the other end of the transaction. OrbitRemit also, unlike some other operators, don’t charge a fee at the other end of the transaction so the person collecting it won’t be charged again.

Exchange rates, Money Conversion

This is one of many ways that we work to make life easier for our customers. One thing that is extremely important at OrbitRemit is being transparent about exactly what we will deliver at the other end of the transfer – that means everyone knows exactly where they stand at every step of the way.

So if you’re considering sending some money overseas, make your life easy and take a look at exactly what’s going to go in and out. The fact that we operate on a fixed fee model also makes it far cheaper to send any amount of money, anywhere it needs to go, in no time at all. What you see in our currency conversion calculator lets you know exactly where you stand.

If you’d like to take a look at our rates then click here to head over to the home page – next to the calculator you’ll find a full list of our current rates.


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