5 key points mandatory for every Australian visa applicant!

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Guest post from Aussizz – Immigration and education consultants

5 key points mandatory for every Australian visa applicant!

Australia has earned the reputation of being the most hospitable country in the world for international students and skilled professionals. The country is recognized globally as a land of opportunity for many individuals and an Australian visa is a coveted asset.

This list covers important aspects of the application process for an Australian visa, student visa, visas comprising of GSM (General Skilled Migration) visa program, parent visa, partner visa, visitor visa, and other visas.

1. Basic documentation required to apply for an Australian visa

Practically speaking, every Australian visa differs by visa type, duration and eligibility criteria. The best practice for students and professionals is to follow regulations before submitting a visa application to the immigration authorities in Australia.

  1. Students need to provide visa details and compile several documents specifying institutions and courses of their liking and submit a letter of offer from the education provider. After receiving the Confirmation of Enrolment from the institution, prospective students can apply for the student visa. Students must explain their study duration and purpose of their visit in a written statement. The statement is a Genuine Temporary Entrant. A good IELTS/PTE score boosts their prospects thereby giving them an edge to seek a visa.
  2. Skilled professionals can apply for several visas under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa program. The general criteria for the GSM visas are to secure a minimum of 65 points for the PR grant. Submit your personal information, work/education experience details, English language proficiency skills, and skill assessment details. These include:
    • Skilled Independent Visa – subclass 189
    • A Skilled Nominated Visa – subclass 190
    • Skilled Regional Provisional Visa – subclass 489
    • If you are looking for a PR grant, you can file your application with subclass 189.
    • To avail sponsorship benefits, you can seek subclass 190.
    • State or territory government offers crucial migration points under subclass 489.
  3. If you are a resident/citizen of Australia, you can invite your parents on a parent visa. You will need to submit valid documents of your health and character, age criteria, show finances, etc.
  4. Partner visa applicants should explain to immigration authorities the genuineness of their relationship with their partner. They must submit relationship details, bank finances, social contacts and meet important immigration guidelines for Permanent Residency grant.
  5. On a visitor visa, you must provide information and explain to the authorities that your visit is temporary and will last a duration of 3, 6 or 12 months. You must also mention that you will be traveling to the country on visit/business purposes.

Finally, there are other visas such as:

  • A family visa, and…
  • The employer-sponsored visas where the visa applicants should provide details of their age, purpose, and duration of their visit.

2. Essential skills requirements

An applicant needs to consider how qualified they are before applying for an Australian visa as qualifications are a simple way of defining how bright an individual is.

Students with higher immigration points obtain scholarships by the Australian government. If you secured excellent scores in IELTS/PTE exam, you can receive 20 points for Permanent Residency.

If you meet Skill Select criteria and work experience details, you can be granted immigration points by the regional or territory government. Such provisions apply if you are a skilled professional as they can provide 10 points for Regional state nomination.

3. What to expect with overseas working conditions

Students and professionals benefit from working in Australia, on an Australian visa.

Australia guarantees a safe environment for students with work flexibility of 20 hours per week. The country has been offering a one-year Professional Year program where students can benefit from theoretical and practical knowledge which helps them to shape careers in long-run.

Australia also offers a minimum wage policy for every professional. The many benefits of working in Australia also include:

  • Flexible work arrangement requests
  • Entitlements and parental leave
  • Annual leave 
  • Work hours calculated every week
  • Personal and compassionate leaves
  • Long service and community service leaves
  • Public holidays
  • Termination notice & redundancy pay
  • Fair work information statement

4. An overview of how to write a résumé

It’s very important that you write a good résumé. It is the defining factor that will make you stand out in the crowd and be attractive to a potential employer.

Describe your study details with facts

Your résumé must include the highest educational accreditation you have achieved so far. Include secondary and higher secondary information and if you secured excellent marks in previous years. Attach copies of all of your certifications.

Immigration authorities are interested in specific details of your IELTS/PTE test scores. You should mention the reasons why you wish to seek a job as a student and how you would be an asset to the company. An added advantage is if you have completed a one-year Professional Year program. These details come handy if you want to build a career in Australia.

Skilled professionals should mention relevant work experience details and number of years spent in their particular field

Start by explaining your specialization details and skills and include testimonials from previous employers who have recognized your talent.

How you present to the outside world must be well-explained too. You must explain your work history and even include your years of education. Ensure you leave no gaps as gaps in your work history can pose problems for you.

Ensure you submit documents mentioning your health, character, police verification and social contacts too. These details will help you to settle into Australia and help immeasurably with the Australian visa process.

5. How to present yourself for an interview

If you are a student, your interviewer will judge you based on academic records you mentioned in the résumé. Based on Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) details, the interviewer crosschecks details regarding the purpose of your visit, study benefits and what you plan to do after completion of your course.

The Immigration authority will clarify details on why you wish to seek higher education in Australia. If the replies you provide are satisfactory, there are higher chances of being granted with a student visa.

In a broader context, you need to be confident and communicate with a future employer. Confidence will enhance your employment prospects thus helping you to grow professionally and personally. Positive interactions, note taking, checking messages regularly and a professional approach will all boost your work prospects in Australia.

In a nutshell, you are either a student, professional, visitor, parent, partner or a businessman. As a visa applicant, you must submit necessary details about your visa type, duration and eligibility criteria. Based on your immigration score, you will be granted the visa by the immigration authority. Ensure you submit all details as mentioned above.

Our immigration and education consultants are the best guardians who assure every Australian visa application process heads for a smooth finish.

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