The 5 Best Mobile Finance Apps to Simplify Your Life

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The 5 Best Mobile Finance Apps to Simplify Your Life

Financial planning is easier than ever, with a broad range of mobile finance apps just a download away. The rise of finance and money related apps has made running a small business and budgeting for personal finance much more convenient (and less of a chore). If you struggle to keep your finances in line, here are five of the best finance apps to help you get organized.

5 | Mint

Mint has some of the highest ratings and recommendations out of the most popular personal finance apps available in the market. It consolidates all your financial accounts into one place: bills, investments, bank accounts, credit cards, salary and so on. It then collects data from your financial activities to provide you with accurate reporting, which you can then use to manage your money more efficiently. For instance, it tracks what you spend on certain categories of expenses so you can start to understand how much those cappuccinos really cost you each month. The app is very easy to use and its user-friendly interface makes it quite efficient. Best of all, it’s free. Mint can be downloaded on tablets and mobile phones that run on iOS, Android, and Windows.

4 | Expensify

Expensify is a financial app that makes managing and tracking expenses a breeze. Its key selling point, and one that every user loves, is its Smartscan feature which allows instantaneous uploading of receipts. Just take a photo from your mobile device and the app will automatically input the amount into your account—no more trying to keep track of a stack of paper receipts! The app has a direct link to Quickbooks and is free to download on all mobile platforms.

3 | XE Currency App

XE Currency provides comprehensive currency listings with over 180 currencies to compare at the tap of a button. It delivers accurate, up-to-the-minute exchange rates right to your phone. Quick and simple, this money app costs nothing to download and provides you with personalization options such as creating a watch list where you can keep an eye on up to ten of your most commonly used currencies. XE Currency app is available for android, iOS, Windows Phone and Blackberry. Consider using this and these other mobile apps for when you travel.

2 | Check

Check is a clever little app whose main purpose is to help you manage your bills. It tracks all your accounts in one place and sends notifications when you have an upcoming bill due for payment. You can then pay bills from within your Check account, making it easy to keep track of what’s paid, what’s due, and where all that money went. All you have to do is link your accounts and the app will do the rest with automatic tracking. The app features triple layered protection – a great feature for the security conscious who are cautious with sharing bank information via the web. The app is free to download on iOS and Android mobile platforms.

1 | Level Money

Level Money is our first pick out of the wide range of money-saving apps on the market. Its purpose is to provide you with an indication of how much spendable cash you have available on any given day, according to your savings, goals and budget. The value is determined by income and expense data from accounts that are linked within your Level account. You can easily view the percentage of your expenses versus your savings, to keep track of how well you’re doing. Having this information right in front of you on a daily basis makes it easier to make the wise financial decisions that all add up over time. Level Money is free and available for both the Apple and Android markets.

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